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  Algunos Textos en Español

October 17, 2002

*  *  *   W A R N I N G   *  *  *
Y O U  A R E  B E I N G  M O N I T O R E D

"With the master what is new and significant develops vigorously amid the 'manure' of contradictions out of the contradictory phenomena. The underlying contradictions themselves testify to the richness of the living foundation from which the theory itself developed. It is different with the disciple. His raw material is no longer reality, but the new theoretical form in which the master has sublimated it. It is in part the theoretical disagreement of opponents of the new theory and in part the often paradoxical relationship of this theory to reality which drive him to seek to refute his opponents and explain away reality. In doing so, he entangles himself in contradictions and with his attempts to solve these he demonstrates the beginning disintegration of the theory which he dogmatically espouses."   (Karl Marx)

". . . dogma is less useful than cow dung. One can make whatever one likes out of it, even revisionism . . ."

Mao Tse-tung,
Interview with André Malraux,
July 1965

"The fight against 'revisionism' cannot be waged by conserving, or rather, by merely reappropriating, Marxism as it existed historically in the previous period. Far from being the signal for a return to the supposed orthodoxy of the preceding epoch, the appearance of a 'revisionism' is a symptom of the need for Marxism to criticize itself."   (G. Madjarian)

 A recepient of the Order of Lenin in the
 first annual May Day Awards presented by
 the Academy of Socialism on the Internet,
 May 1, 1998.